Tag - #internationalteacher 8 posts
A staff meeting and a half!!

A staff meeting and a half!!

Monthly staff meeting… Once a month we were required, in our contracts, to work until 7 pm. Sometimes this was allocated time in our classes updating displays, marking, preparing resources or meetings within our teaching teams. Other times there were specific things the management team wanted to discuss and inform us about and so it

Spanish parents’ meetings…

Spanish parents’ meetings…

A different arrangement… One thing that wasn’t really discussed in much detail during my interview was how the parents’ meetings were arranged given that there are two teachers and two classes. I remember asking the question, and the English head dismissing it saying that it was something that the two teachers arranged together and delivered

Journey home entertainment, educacion infantil style!

Journey home entertainment, educacion infantil style!

Homeward bound! There are several children from across the school that also get the same bus back as me, including some infantil (or early years) children. There is an adult specifically employed to supervise them. Like a chaperone I guess. And, the poor woman certainly earns her salary, as they are all lively and loud!

Spanish bank experience, and why I can never return!

Spanish bank experience, and why I can never return!

Needing to transfer money home… On starting my new job, I needed to set up a Spanish bank account in order to receive my salary. Well, the school HR team set it up on my behalf! During the first week, a member of HR made the appointment at the local branch and then accompanied me

It’s all still very much a work in progress…

It’s all still very much a work in progress…

Coffee and lingo… Saturday morning and I have arranged to meet up with one of my language exchange friends for coffee. She has very good English as a result of many years of language exchange with English visitors and teachers who have come and gone again. She has been attempting to help me with my Spanish

Bashful beginnings!

Bashful beginnings!

Dodgy cubicle doors… As well as the whole ‘settling in and getting used to routines’ of a new job there’s also the little teething problems. Having to push yourself out of your comfort zone when you’re figuring it all out! For instance, other colleagues will help you out (and all have been welcoming and great!) and

Well, I think I survived my first week!

Well, I think I survived my first week!

Friday night… Here I am on Friday night, the end of my first full week in my new job, and I am exhausted. But, not quite enough to turn down a well-deserved beer or two with my new colleagues! Changeover… So, reflecting on my first week. It is still very much early days of course! However, 
